How badly did I mess up, and is the bike safe to ride?Tools you'll need:10 mm wrench12 mm wrench19 mm socket with large ratchetTorque wrenchNot really a tool, but you'll also need the correct size shims. Sit on a VStrom XT or a Tenera 700. Greater capacity electrical system. Front Suspension / Wheel Travel. Somewhat longer answer: Acres of text and perhaps hours of video streaming exist discussing this component (or, "part") on the Internet, much on this website, accessible by using the SEARCH FUNCTION. Add to Compare Add to Wish List . 4. You will want to have a replacement side cover gasket on hand. The 2008 KLR 650 that I just bought has a Thermo-Bob installed on it. The new-from. Details on the 2022 Kawasaki KLR650 are out and there actually have been a pile of changes. Modest proposal: Ask again, after you have bought your chosen vintage KLR! (Fear not an advance purchase of doohickey tools; engine largely same-o, same-o. It was my only transportation for a while. Consequence: THIS COULD RESULT IN LOSS OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE. $1,580. Happy trail panniers and top box, swmotech guards, gen2 wheels, k&n filter and an EM doohickey. The last of the ride prep series on the KLR 650 and in this video we are tackling the doohickey from Eagle Mike. At $6,699. Had my first tire blowout on the freeway the other day. The doohickey is the most serious of the KLR issues. The "adjuster bolt" is under that rubber plug by the shift lever. Allof you klr guys know about this issue. Eagle doohickey, Happy Trails fork brace, braided front brake line, Pro-Taper Contour bar with Acerbis guards, grease fittings in the rear pivot linkage, and exhaust and jetting mods. 8-12" long, 150-200 INCH Pound torque wrench for the cover bolts, doo-locking bolt, eventually valve cover & cam bearing bolts. The other specialty items you may need would be a foot pound and an inch pound torque wrench. The Kawasaki KLR650 is a 652 cc (39. It was a long-standing model in Kawasaki's lineup, having been introduced in 1987 and remaining almost unchanged through the 2007 model. I used the search box on the upper-right of this web page, searched just the klr650 reddit on "doohickey", then looked at titles/summaries that had newer models. Mechanical tappets should have a little tic,tic,tic. ". Advanced Search Cancel Login / Join. Honda’s Trans Alp and original Africa Twin are good examples, or Suzuki’s DR Big. These bikes feature electric ignition and telescoping fork suspension, as. 2008 and later KLR's had an improved lever, but a spring. greerdn said: I own a 2015 KLR and at 2100 miles replaced the OEM doohickey and spring with an Eagle Mike doohickey and torsion spring. DuckRyder. The 2012 is bigger and I am having trouble mounting it. -. And also, if broken, is this a fatal malfunction? Then again, sorry for the obvious question in the KLR lore, but I never stopped to think about what the signs were, just changed it immediately when getting. 9 in. Kawasaki has never addressed the issues with the balancer tensioner system, let alone upgraded it. UPDATE: I posted OP 10min after this happened at work. The doohickey has nothing to do with the cam chain. $130. The straight short leg goes into the hole you just drilled. Quick View. Some Generation 1 doohickeys grenaded with catastrophic collateral engine damage; however, I know of no Generation 2 (2008 and later)doohickey component failure. 92144-1860). Bike had a severe doohickey failure. Yo all, I just recieved a recall notice from Kawasaki. I highly endorse both components. Whoever did the work left out one of the four thin little washers that go on each side of the two gear pairs in the starter gear train. Talking with Kawasaki’s quality assurance manager at the press launch, he attributes the “Doohickey” internet mass hysteria to precisely that — internet mass hysteria. The good news is the newer doo lever and spring won't break and destroy your engine. Ethanw99 2005 KLR 650 •. 2008 through 2018 KLR650 Wrenching & Mods. . 16453 Views 22 Replies 8 Participants Last post by jaimesix, Jun 20, 2015. [Archive] 2009 Doohickey KLR650 Second Generation. Lever is machined by Eagle from high strength heat-treated aerospace grade stainless. Over the last couple of years we have added brands like Eagle Mike, Dirtracks, Maier, Warp 9, Doubletake, Cyclops, Seat. Thermobob is next on the mod list. Add to Compare Add to Wish List . So, I called the local Kawasaki dealership and asked if they could give me a ball park quote on changing out the "doohickey" and after 15 minutes of me explaining exactly what and where an Idle shaft Lever and spring were :46: (I think she was just a parts person and not a mechanic) I finally got a quote of 150. Tools will consist of an offset 1 1/4 or 32mm wrench and and a rotor puller. Kawasaki. Now me and my buddy are putting on new rubber and I'm updating a few things. kdxkawboy Mr. The parts looked ok, but the OEM tension spring was completely slack not able to take up. Manual Balancer Chain Mod. 01-04. 95+) rotor bolt (OEM # 92002-1693) magneto cover gasket inner (KAW11060-1692) magneto cover gasket outer (KAW11060-1693) KLR650 Doohickey (Balancer Idle Lever & Spring Upgrade) recommended Torsion Spring +$13. wet. Come join the discussion about. 16111 Views 28 Replies 8 Participants Last post by Drifter. The spring still had tension. Went riding on Sunday. Both generations of the Kawasaki KLR 650 have had a serious issue with the counter-balancing chain adjustment mechanism,. That spring, or any spring, should be installed with a rounded tool that cannot nick the material. They didn't improve the doohickey in the gen 3 bikes. Oddometer: 5,006. Upgrading these parts does not appear to be a big deal but you need a couple of tools that can get pricey. $21. net site, the stock doohickey should be replaced--seems like too high of a rate of failure on the stock part to risk leaving it in the bike. 1 / 2. You should have started & even finished your research with the first 'PINNED" thread in this section,I see the doohickey bolt is 78 in/lbs is this the same for all of the bolts? Other than eagle mike kit with tool and a 19 mm, 8 mm sockets, breaker bar, and 1/4” and 1/2” drive torque wrenches do I need anything else. Had a hunch that the doohickey was broken, turns out the end of the spring had broken, causing the balancer chain to become lo. Photo credit: Bjorn Moreira. It's strange that this "doo hickey" thing has been such a problem for such a long time. xjdubber-. Nuff said. After much speculation and rumors, Kawasaki has announced today the return of the faithful KLR 650 to its lineup. Doohickey Torqur Spec. KLR's up to 2007 had common failure of the lever. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, adjustments,. Decided to part the Gen 2, MY2012 red tank/upper cowling, black plastics and silver tank shrouds. I pulled the cover off and found the torsion spring in two pieces, as well as some. The KLR650 ABS is available in Pearl Sand Khaki. "First in a series of four videos on replacing the doohickey. Shad top case is standard on the KLR650 Traveler model. PERFORMANCE. I saw a "how to" web site for changing it out, but, being the mechanically unfit guy I am, it looks complicated and scary. . SOME riders, unaware of the peril of doohickey failure, may have ridden their bikes without doohickey incident to the end of service life, unaware of any imminent ticking time-bomb peril. This includes: DOOHICKEY #13168-1436-3AS. I have helped replace numerous Gen 1 and 2 doohickeys/springs and the Gen 1 bikes probably had a 50% failure rate of either the spring or the doohickey. Doohickey discussion (with pictures of broken bits!), some of it a bit testy. · #145 · Jan 30, 2021. So no, it is not a foregone conclusion that a 2011 will burn oil. Picked up a 2001 about a month ago. Notable differences among the three models included their prices. 2008 KTM KTM 690 Rally Replica Offroad. At 3,700 miles I put my order in for the parts and they were. The Adventure comes ready to roll with crash bars, lights, luggage, and other ADV essentials. Well, I guess that answers that question. My recommendation: Change the doo and the spring (use the torsion version) on YOUR KLR. That is almost a guaranteed way to put a nick in the spring material and cause a failure. Front Tire. not sure if this helps with your carb problem, but I just installed a JD needle/jet kit and used his recommendations of a 160 main with the needle set in 2nd from top position (also drilled the slide). 90/90-21. I am considering buying a new KLR, and have been studying the machine for many months and wish there was good answers to these 2 main troubles. B1 Carbon-based bipedal. Put the lever adjustment bolt in place, but don't tighten yet. I would suggest that you remove the 2 plastic screw in plugs on the LH engine cover & use 19mm socket to rotate the crankshaft CCW to TDC. I got t. This whole thing is kinda strange to me, and a little disappointing. So I finally ordered the Doohickey kit direct from eagle mike. PLEASE NOTE DOOHICKEY KITS AND PARTS NOW DIRECT VIA EAGLE MIKE IN THE US. Here is a video on my 2007 Kawasaki KLR650 doohickey install and oil change. NET Forums - The Original Kawasaki KLR Forum. KLR-zin · #4 · Apr 10, 2011. $40 isn't. Quick View. Like Beezerboy said, get yourself onto one of the dedicated KLR sites and you'll learn tons. 1-gallon capacity), increased carrying capacity from its one-piece frame, and a new LCD display that unfortunately offers less information than the last dash set up. DRC DRC Pro Tire Lever + 24mm . There may be a variety of reason for that, but most KLR aficionados will still recommend that you buy the aftermarket parts and do your own upgrade. Part 1. Get a manual tensioner before riding it again !! This is one of those motors that it is an absolute must to get rid of the automatic one due to destroyed motor when(not if) it fails . Replacement is a matter of debate. Back off the choke to a fast idle and by the time you have donned helmet and gloves, you are ready to roll. Conservatively, if all goes well, you should be able to complete the upgrade for about 60 dollars, using loaner tools. J. It was that way for a long time - kind of a big oops. After replacing parts he was able to put the original spring back on showing that it had plenty of tension. $138. 99. Doohickey KLR650 Third Generation 2022+ JOIN FOR FREE! FAQ: Members List : Calendar : KLR650. Sounds like you know what to do, just hit a snag with the rotor puller bolt giving up on you. installing the EagleMike balancer lever (Doohickey) AND HIS torsion spring will give your KLR the correct parts to keep the balancer chain in proper tension over the course of the engine's life. From what I've read about the doohickey on the klr650. 8 Nm (78 in lbs) Install the plug on the idle shaft lever bolt securely. NET Supporter! I'm a Premium. This device forces more air into the engine, allowing it to burn more fuel and produce more power. Specs Photos & Videos Compare. The spring was intact, but the "collar" of the idler shaft lever (doohickey) was broken, as shown below. If Kawasaki put a spring in that’s maybe just a 1/4” shorter+-, the doo would be a non issue any longer. 2008 Kawasaki KLR 650 2008 Yamaha Road Star 2014 Triumph Tiger 800 XC Ridin' a painted pony on the spinning wheel of life. And it’s still one of the best bargains on two wheels, starting at just $6,699. The Kawasaki KLR650 is a 651 cc single, liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, DOHC, 4-valves, dual-sport motorcycle intended for both on-road and off-road riding. Although this isn't a "how to" I think some of you may find it interesting to see what I found in there. Push the right had side of the lever towards the front of the engine, and tighten the adjustment enough to hold the lever in this position. Discussion Starter · Oct 5, 2021. If the previous owner ran the engine low on oil (not an uncommon thing), the first failure area will be the exhaust camshaft bearings. I've noticed the Owner's Manual calls for adjustment of the balancer chain every 7,500 miles but doesn't tell you how to do it. The two parts serve to maintain tension on the balancer chain. The “Doohickey,” aka the balancer chain adjuster lever, did not receive updates for 2022. Drifter. KLR650 Doohickey: Everything You Need to Know (incl. Price $41. 00. -all three had a spring that was esentially out-of-travel. For engine, frame, brake, suspension, axle nuts & bolts. Parts View All ADV Parts. oil consumption + doohickey. I rode the bike for a couple weeks, waiting to find time to crack the case and upgrade the doohickey. The doohickey itself is, arguably, including Gen 2 models as well. Discussion in 'Thumpers' started by Linzi, Sep 16, 2004. 2022 Kawasaki KLR 650 Review – First Ride. Please refrain from comments about doohickies in general, or whether to replace them prophylactically. Both generations of the Kawasaki KLR 650 have had a serious issue with the counter-balancing chain adjustment mechanism, or as most call it, a “doohickey”. . The bike came with a bunch of new parts that the previous owner planned on using at some point, including the eagle mike doohickey. Reply. This KLR650 engine ate both exhaust valves, damaged the cylinder head, cylinder, and piston all because the doohickey was not adjusted correctly. JOIN FOR FREE! FAQ: Members List: Calendar : KLR650. SUSPENSION. This lever has an adjuster bolt (that goes through it) and when loosened, allows the spring that is attached to the lever to remove the slack in the balancer chain. It's disappointing that Kawasaki hasn't done anything about it. . Oh yes, turn the tank petcock to “open”. DynoJet Dynojet 08-16 KLR650 STG 1&2 . The bike is under warranty for 12 months. There are plenty of install videos on this. Also note the ISO 9001/2000 and Mil-Spec certifications. KLR 650 - A18 2017 Honda Goldwing Triumph Sprint ST - 2008 - Sold Polaris Sports Man 300 4x4 - Wife's Polaris Sports Man 400 HO 4x4But some owners found the spring to not exert enough tension on the tensioner lever to keep the chain snug. . moflow09 Discussion starter · May 16, 2022. One of the best answers is the doohicky is good for 50,000 miles, plus or minus 50,000 miles. tightened the bolt and engine was not happy when I restarted it. 2008 KLR 650 RIP. No doohickey denier, I; have aftermarket doohickey and "torsion spring" installed on my '07. A forum community dedicated to Kawasaki KLR 650 motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Rumor or FAct? The doohickey oldsoldier173 Posted December 30, 2016 Just bought a late manufacture 2016 KLR650.